You are thinking about your next holiday or vacation, and you're wondering why you should select a cruise. I can think of six good reasons, and here they are. A cruise can be better than a land based vacation. Once on board ship everything you could possible want is there for you. You don't waste time traveling from one place to another; the travel is the experience on a cruise. A cruise is great value for your money. When you consider the amount of money you would spend on hotels, meals, and entertainment, a cruise package deal is a great value. Plus you know about how much money you are going to spend ahead of time. With so many cruise lines competing for your money great deals and discount prices are available. Upgrades, add-on, and coupons are available. Superb food! Superb food! Superb food! Often twenty-four hours a day. Great meals with fantastic presentation in restaurants with great ambiance, from the most casual diner or...